Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam.
May this email see you in the best of health an iman?
About Muhammadiyah. There have been some positive developments in Muhammadiyah, for the good of the Muslim community. Muhammadiyah, a non profit organisation have been continually in the community and welfare services for 55 years and is in constant move to initiate welfare to th e community wherever possible.. We manage Welfare Home, Health and Day Care Centre for the Elderly and Post Operation Services, a Kindergarten, an Islamic College, a Madrasah and Basic Islamic Teaching for all ages. We also provide services such as scholarships, zakats, welfare to the poor and needy,funeral, hajji and umrah services. Read more on
COLLABORATION WITH MENDAKI SENSE. Recently Muhammadiyah has collaborate with Mendaki SENSE to offer WSQ Employability Skills (ES) Courses to the Muslim community. This offering is made to Muhammadiyah so that they can reach out to the Muslim community to enable the Muslims to be self sufficient, get better jobs, live better lives, have a better standard of living, take further courses to further upgrade themselves, and move up the social ladder.
These courses when completed have a status of an O level which is
recognized by the Singapore Government.
Trainees will also get cash after the completion of all the modules up
to $1000 plus from the Singapore Government under the Training Allowance and
Workfare Incentive Scheme.
Trainee need only pay $40.00 for all 8 modules
Conditions: must be employed.
If not employed register with your nearest CDC or Mendaki CareerLink for assistance.
If not employed register with your nearest CDC or Mendaki CareerLink for assistance.
We hope the Muslim community will take advantage of this generous offer
and register for the course immediately at For further
enquiries do contact:
Should you feel there are people who can benefit from this course kindly
forward this email to them.
- The
Qur’an states: (He whoso do good an atom’s weight will see it. And
whoso do ill an atom’s weight will see it.) (Az-Zalzalah 99: 7-8)....
- “I swear by the time, Verily Man is in loss,
Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the
mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and
Constancy”. (Qur’an, Surah-al-Asr, 103)
“Strive for your life in the hereafter as if you will die tomorrow. Strive for your life on earth as if you will live forever.”
Yours sincerely,