What Are WSQ Frameworks?

What Are WSQ Frameworks?
There are 33 Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) frameworks, which are all recognised by the industries.

An Industry Skills and Training Council has been established for each framework to help drive the development and validation of skills standards, assessment strategies and training curriculum for the industry.
Each council, represented by key industry partners that include employers, industry associations, training organisations and unions, draws up:

i.An industry competency map, which captures the type of skills needed in the industry. These are classified as:
  • Employability skills
  • Occupational skills and knowledge
  • Industry skills and knowledge
ii.Competency standards and curriculum: The competency standards list the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to perform a job task and describe the acceptable levels of performance. The resulting curriculum guides the design of the training programmes and assessment plans
iii.Qualifications to reflect the acquired skills and lay the foundation for career-based training, upgrading pathways and skills recognition. The skills standards and training modules are organised into seven levels of nationally-recognised qualifications, ranging from Certificate to Graduate Diploma.
WSQ frameworks develop skills in two different aspects: foundational and industry-specific.

a)     Foundational Skills

Foundational skills comprise a range of skills, knowledge and attributes that help every individual improve his/her employability. These skills enable workers to better adapt to new job demands and a changing work environment. Foundational skills are portable across all industries.
Learn more about Foundational Skills
b)     Industry & Occupational Skills
The Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) industry frameworks cover skills that equip individuals with the know-how to perform specific jobs well.
Industry players, training institutions and unions work together in the Industry Skills and Training Councils (ISTC) to identify the skills required in the industry and to develop the industry-specific WSQ.
The ISTC also reviews the learning outcomes to ensure the framework remains current and relevant.
Select a WSQ framework to find out more.

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